So Christ Himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ... Ephesians 4:11-13.
Each day, God blesses us with the abilities to do the work of His Kingdom. Our ministries are therefore designed to exercise our God given abilities to edify and empower one another and to build upon the work that was begun by our Savior Jesus Christ. As we continue to commit to Christ and lead with His love; we strive to provide our Christian community with the spiritual resources that they need to grow as children of God and to stay strong in the Lord.

Whole Mind Institute
The Whole Mind Institute was designed to help Christians overcome life's challenges and to show love and support for one another in a safe and secure environment. In addition to providing weekly Celebrate Recovery meetings which are open to the public, the ministry also offers mental health workshops and educational training including parenting classes and much more. The overall goal of WMI is to connect with the community and to empower individuals to become whole and complete in every aspect of life.
Young Adults
The purpose of the Young Adult Ministry is to uplift our young people and to strengthen this generation of Christians by equipping them to become faithful servants to God and leaders in their Christian lives. As our young adults continue to face many trials in today's world, we encourage them to be actively involved in the worship services and in their faithwalk with God. Each year, the Young Adult ministry hosts the Young United Christian Conference in efforts to connect with other young Christians and to continuously support one another in their spiritual growth.

Children's Ministry
The future of the Church lies within today's young Christians. At MacDonald Avenue, we not only teach our children how to study and pray to God, but also how to build a close relationship with their friend Jesus Christ. We also strive to keep our youth faithful and active, and to constantly remind them of how important they are to God and His Kingdom. In a world where everyone is searching for acceptance and belonging, we make sure that our children know how much they matter to God and to their family in Christ.
Sisters' Ministry
The Sisters' Ministry of MacDonald Avenue is filled with spiritually dedicated women who love to serve the Lord and His church. Comprised of several spiritual entities including the Mentorship Program, the Ladies Seminar committee, the Sisters' evening bible class, and much more; the Sisters' ministry serves at the backbone of our congregation.

Evangelism/Outreach Ministry
In Mark 16:15, Jesus charges the children of God to "Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to all nations..." Our purpose as Christians is to win souls and help save the lost. Therefore, we make it our mission to reach out and help those in need, as Jesus has commanded us to. In order for us to change the world, we realize that we must do more than just go to church; we must be the Church.
Brothers' Ministry
Faithfully serving in our worship services, bible classes, and many other ministerial acts; our brothers continue to lead our congregation towards spiritual unity and serve as a perfect example of Iron Sharpening Iron.